Reschedule To Dos (AppleScript)

Tuesday, April 2, 2002

-- Reschedule To Dos 1.0 for Palm Desktop 4.0
Nicholas Riley <>, 2 April 2002

on run
local countToDos, toDoIndex, todayDate, thePrompt, theSel, oldDate, newDate
set todayDate to current date
set time of todayDate to 0
tell application "Palm Desktop"
set countToDos to count to dos
repeat with toDoIndex from 1 to countToDos
set thePrompt to "Reschedule “" & to do toDoIndex's title & "” for:"
set oldDate to to do toDoIndex's due date
set time of oldDate to 0
if oldDate is less than todayDate then
set theSel to ¬
choose from list ¬
Today", "Tomorrow", "", "This Saturday", ¬
This Sunday", "Next Monday", "", "Other…"} ¬
with prompt thePrompt default items {"Today"} ¬
OK button name "Reschedule" cancel button name ¬
Don’t" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed
if theSel is false then
set newDate to oldDate
set theSel to item 1 of theSel
if theSel is "Today" then
set newDate to todayDate
else if theSel is "Tomorrow" then
set newDate to todayDate + days
else if theSel is "This Saturday" then
set newDate to thisSaturday of me from todayDate
else if theSel is "This Sunday" then
set newDate to thisSunday of me from todayDate
else if theSel is "Next Monday" then
set newDate to nextMonday of me from todayDate
set newDate to ""
repeat while newDate is ""
set theSel to ¬
display dialog thePrompt default answer (todayDate's date string) ¬
buttons {"Cancel", "Don’t Reschedule", "Reschedule"} default button 3
if button returned of theSel is "Reschedule" then
set newDate to makeDate of me from (text returned of theSel)
on error
display dialog "Can’t make that into a date." buttons {"OK"} with icon caution ¬
default button 1
end try
set newDate to oldDate
end if
end repeat
end if
end if
if newDate is not oldDate then
set to do toDoIndex's due date to newDate
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end run

on thisSaturday from theDate -- returns a date
theDate - (theDate - (date "Saturday, January 4, 1000 12:00:00 AM")) mod weeks + weeks
end thisSaturday

on thisSunday from theDate -- returns a date
theDate - (theDate - (date "Sunday, January 5, 1000 12:00:00 AM")) mod weeks + weeks
end thisSunday

on nextMonday from theDate -- returns a date
theDate - (theDate - (date "Monday, January 6, 1000 12:00:00 AM")) mod weeks + weeks
end nextMonday

on makeDate from theString -- returns a date
return date theString
end makeDate
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