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Wow, another Mozilla feature I've never heard of. Try pressing F7.

Someone really needs to compile a list of “cool things you can do with Mozilla”. So many of the most powerful and useful features, such as auto-fill, tabbed browsing, keywords, caret browsing mode, … are completely invisible to the user.

Since Radio 8.0.8 makes it so easy, I've posted a list of the RSS feeds I subscribe to. If you have any suggestions, let me know, I'm always looking for better ones.

Seth Dilligham's RSS feed includes a linked stylesheet. If you're using a browser that supports styling XML with CSS (Mozilla and Internet Explorer on Mac/Windows both work adequately for the task), you'll see a nicely formatted list instead of the raw XML. Nice touch.

When perusing my referers, I found a link to ICeCoffEE from January that I hadn't seen before. Thanks, I'm glad the work I put into its installer was appreciated. I really need to clean up ICeCoffEE's support at some point, perhaps this weekend. Right now, I'll get back to preparing for tomorrow's teleconference with my advisor, who is on a much-needed vacation.